Go Side Mount UG
Represented by the managing director Hans Peter Hartmann
Siebenbürgenstraße 3C
85368 Moosburg an der Isar
Phone: +49 176 686 711 08
E-Mail: info@razorgosidemount.eu
VAT-ID: DE307154836
Tax-ID: 115/127/60297
Entered in the commercial register of the Local Court [Amtsgericht] of Munich HRB 226144
The European Commission provides a platform for out-of-court online dispute resolution (OS platform), available at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.
Consumers can use this platform to resolve their disputes. We are neither obliged nor prepared to attend a dispute settlement procedure before an alternative dispute resolution entity.
All texts, pictures and further information published here are subject to the copyright of the offerer insofar as copyrights of third parties do not exist. In any case, duplication, distribution or public reproduction is permitted only in the event of revocable and non-transferable consent by the provider.
The provider accepts no responsibility for any web content linked to the link (link), since this is not our own content. The linked pages were checked for illegal contents, at the time of the linking were not recognizable. Responsible for the contents of the linked pages is their operator. The provider does not have a general monitoring and auditing obligation. If a breach of the law is known, however, the corresponding link is immediately removed.